Fun Fact Friday–“10 Terrible Weeds: #10 Harding Grass”

Fun Fact Friday–“10 Terrible Weeds: #10 Harding Grass”

Harding Grass is a non-native, invasive very large perennial bunchgrass found widely through California that can grow to 8 feet tall. It can quickly outcompete native grasses in its surrounding area. Deer and rabbits won’t eat it and horses may nibble green shoots but...
Happy Summer Solstice!

Happy Summer Solstice!

Today, marks the longest day of the year with about 15 hours of sunlight in Napa County. What a wonderful way to take time to reflect on our connection to the natural world and our place in it, as the Earth tilts to the Sun for the end of spring, and beginning of...
Celebrating Juneteenth in Napa County!

Celebrating Juneteenth in Napa County!

Join us in honoring and celebrating Juneteenth, the oldest national celebration of the emancipation of enslaved people in the United States. The Land Trust of Napa County honors Juneteenth by recognizing it and highlighting the day for reflection, remembrance and an...
Fun Fact Friday–“10 Terrible Weeds: #7 Bull Thistle”

Fun Fact Friday–“10 Terrible Weeds: #7 Bull Thistle”

We’ve come to our last thistle, the bull thistle. Like other varieties, this noxious weed is highly invasive and outcompetes native plants and disturbs natural habitat for animals. It grows over summer months where its first-year growth is seen in the form rosettes...
Fun Fact Friday –“10 Terrible Weeds: #5 Maltese Star Thistle”

Fun Fact Friday –“10 Terrible Weeds: #5 Maltese Star Thistle”

Does this look like a repeat post on thistles? Actually it’s not! While similar looking to the yellow star thistle, this terrible weed is its cousin, the Maltese star thistle which was first discovered in the Far Meadow on Archer Taylor Preserve about the time yellow...
Walt Ranch is Now Permanently Protected!

Walt Ranch is Now Permanently Protected!

The Land Trust of Napa County is pleased to report that we closed the acquisition of the 2,300-acre Walt Ranch. This has been a major undertaking for us and we’re excited to have completed this purchase. $7M of the funding came from loans. Our board was comfortable...