Land Trust adds 120 acres to 1,000 acre preserve

Land Trust adds 120 acres to 1,000 acre preserve

Land Trust of Napa County is pleased to announce the acquisition of 120 acres of undeveloped land adjacent to the 1,031-acre Chiles Valley Preserve acquired last year.  “This addition makes the preserve over 1,150 acres”, said Doug Parker, CEO of the Land Trust.  “The...
Register article – Land Trust celebrates 45th Anniversary

Register article – Land Trust celebrates 45th Anniversary

For those of you who may have missed it, our local paper, the Napa Register, was kind enough to publish a photo essay of our recent accomplishments over the last few years. The original version of this article can be found here –...
Land Trust adds to Archer Taylor Preserve

Land Trust adds to Archer Taylor Preserve

Land Trust of Napa County is pleased to announce the acquisition of a property on the ridgeline west of the City of Napa. The property adds to one of the Land Trust’s most popular preserves, the Archer Taylor Preserve at the end of Redwood Road near the Sonoma County...